On Wednesday night I had the pleasure of visiting Grace Baptist Church in Lake Orion Michigan to present our Ministry. I was given the opportunity to present our ministry to this wonderful congregation.
Back in 2012 I was contacted by Pastor Jeff Walters (a friend of evangelist Russell Kidman who referred him to me) to set up a website for Charity Baptist Church in Oxford Michigan.
We host several websites for brother Kidman (operationlibertyministry.org and correspondencebiblecollege4u.org).
In July of 2015 Pastor Walters again contacted me letting me know that Charity Baptist Church had merged with another church forming Grace Baptist Church of Lake Orion Michigan. We put up a website for the new church (gbclakeorion.com). I was invited to present the ministry there if I was ever in the area.
I had talked with another mutual friend of Brother Kidman and Pastor Walters last year named Glen Yeager. Missionary Glen Yeager started out doing a similar ministry to ours, and has expanded to a full ministry of helps in the IT field. Glen had set up streaming video for Grace Baptist Church. Brother Yeager’s website is at its4him.org. Brother Yeager and I will probably be working more closely in the future.
Left to Right Glen Rosa Yeager Cathy Russell Kidman
When Brother Yeager and Brother Kidman heard I was going to speak at Grace Baptist Church they decided to drop by and say howdy. Russell and Cathy Kidman provided some beautiful special music for the service. It was a blessing to meet Russell, Cathy, Glen and Rosa.