“When you go on the internet, please pray for the Hoffman Family – your missionaries to Cyberspace.”
Volume 37 Issue 6 (November/December/2024)
Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving and CHRISTmas holiday in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
The Latest News:
We have been plagued by extended power outages here over the last several years. While all the accounts we are hosting, are in professional data centers, my outage monitoring system, and offsite backups are hosted at the house. A power outage makes these servers unavailable. Additionally I am unable to continue routine (required) security maintenance, and unable to bring up new websites. Our board of directors has determined that when the power goes out, our ongoing ministry is essentially dead in the water, and we should get a backup generator. We are praying that some ministries might be looking for projects to support. Please pray for finances for us, the cost is $16,000 to have a whole house backup power generator.
Church Website Ministry:
We put up a website for John and Emily Combest, missionaries to the Republic of Congo (combest2congo.com). Read More
Bible Correspondence Courses:
We want to thank Oleta Ferrell, Joyce Hall, Lorraine Meier, JL & Florence Smith and Freddie Vaughan for helping with the Bible correspondence courses over the last quarter.
- 3rd Quarter Stats: For the third quarter of 2024, we sent out 486 lessons to 109 students, of which 35 are prisoners. We issued 25 certificates. We mailed lessons to Canada, Nigeria and the USA.Here are some comments we received from people that are taking the correspondence courses:
- We received a note from a prisoner in Nebraska…Thank you again Bob & Maureen for my lessons. I pray that God will continue to give both of you strength to continue to grow in God’s Word every day as you continue to help all of your students. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. God bless you.
Tract Ministry:
- We have had over 234,000 individuals read our Bible Tracts online.
- Through our ad campaigns we are offering over 1 million tracts to unique individuals per month in 7 languages worldwide..
- Our ads have reached over 41 million people since we started advertising in February 2020.
- We received another response from out French tract: “Amen I am proud to have made Jesus Christ as my lord and savior” (translation)
Social Networking Outreach:
Support: We are currently at 70% of support for our ministry expenses.
Prayer Needs:
- We are still at 70% support, praying for more support.
- Maureen is having eye surgery on December 6th.
- Would you consider praying for us when special needs arise? If so, please subscribe to our prayer warrior’s mailing list.: http://eepurl.com/SYbI9.
Specific Financial Needs:
- Backup power generator – $16000
- 2025 server costs – $2400
- 2025 Internet costs $600
- Distribution of 1 million digital tracts per month – $110
Please consider a donation. FamilyNet is a 501 (C)(3) charity. Donations are tax deductible in the US – You can donate via tithe.ly (Give button is on https://cyber-missions.com) or mail a check:
FamilyNet International Inc
P.O. Box 451951
Garland, TX 75045
(214) 257-0229
In Jesus’ Service,
Bob and Maureen
Phil 1:3