“When you go on the internet, please pray for the Hoffman Family – your missionaries to Cyberspace.” |
Volume 33 Issue 3 (May/June 2020)
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
The Latest News:
- The Corona Virus situation has literally tripled our workload!
Church Website Ministry:
I was contacted by Pastor Dana Hoyt of Heritage Baptist Church in Berlin New Hampshire. I “rescued” their domain (hbcberlin.org) back in 2017 when it expired. Pastor Hoyt wanted to get his website back online and provide links to livestreaming. I created a WordPress installation, and was able to get an old version of his website to import into his new Heritage Baptist Church website. We added a read-through-the-Bible-in-a-year page as well as Spurgeon’s devotions. I was also able to install a donate button so people could continue giving during the shutdown. Pastor Hoyt is working on doing livestreaming on YouTube that we can feature on his website. The website is still a “work in progress” but we are back with an official online presence for Heritage Baptist Church in Berlin New Hampshire. Brother Dana is also a Chaplain at a prison in New Hampshire. We discussed our Bible Correspondence Course ministry. Pastor Hoyt said he was looking for a ministry like ours. Prison inmates are requesting Bible courses. He said he would start sending us enrollment forms for inmates.
I was contacted by a member of Sycamore Baptist Church in Carriere Mississippi. He was given our contact information by the Pastor of a church we are providing hosting services to (Northspoon Baptist Church). We talked in depth about Livestreaming requirements, and the need for a donate button. They decided on a domain name of sycamore-bc.com. I created a WordPress website for Sycamore Baptist Church, and installed plugins to support a Photo Gallery, a calendar of events, Bible reading and Devotions. We spent a couple hours on the phone as I showed brother Billy how to work on the website. We got his website set up. He is working on getting streaming going on YouTube. Once he gets that set up we will add video capabilities to the website. Billy also had questions about the process of streaming. I referred him to Brother Glen Yeager for specs and requirements of camera equipment. The Church does not have a lot of money so they need some good recommendations.
I was contacted by Pastor Brandon Smith of Dixie Baptist Church in Sieper Louisiana. We had an “unofficial” website up for them, and he was interested in setting up a website for the church so members would have a single place to go to see videos from Dixie Baptist Church and to give to the church. We registered dixiebc.com for the church, and set up WordPress. After the website was set up, I spent a couple of hours on the phone providing some training for Pastor Smith and fixing odds and ends. We were able to set up a giving button linked to Dixie Baptist Church’s Tithe.ly Account. Pastor Brandon will be making his Facebook sermons available on the website so users can see the sermons at their leisure.
Here are some comments we received from people that are taking the correspondence courses:
- A student in North Carolina writes: I pray everyday for the ministry of FamilyNet International. I do sincerely hope that the needs Bro. Bob and yourself have in the ministry there in Garland, Texas are being met graciously by our Saviour Jesus Christ. My wife and myself trust that your and Bro. Bob’s physical conditions have improved. Both of us will continually lift your names up before the Lord daily remembering that His grace is sufficient.
- A prisoner in TX writes: First I would like to thank you for taking time to send all lessons to me, to help me grow in Our Lord Jesus Christ. This lesson has helped me stay focus on my daily walk in Christ. It has been conformation that I am a child of God and He loves me dearly. It has opened me to be a more compassionate man of God and to see life from His point of view. I don’t have it altogether, but I know where my root is as long as it continues to grow deeper in Christ. I will endure my race. Again I thank you for allowing Christ to use you in a mighty way.
Tract Ministry:
- We have “given out” over 111,000 Bible Tracts online.
- Our Ad Campaign offered 1,743,000+ tracts with over 29,000 people “taking” tracts. If you would like to underwrite a month’s worth of tracts for $120, please contact us! Tracts are offered in Arabic, Chinese and Spanish at this time. Arabic tract is taking 80% of traffic!
Social Networking Outreach: I get new requests on my evangelistic Facebook Account regularly. I now have 2671 “friends” in my evangelistic Facebook account. I have 482 friends on my Spreely Account. This is a valuable tool to reach the unsaved.
Support: We are currently at 68% of support for our ministry expenses.
Prayer Needs:
- The Corona Virus is preventing us from mailing lessons to all but 5 foreign countries. They are shut down for mail right now.
- Would you consider praying for us when special needs arise? If so, please subscribe to our prayer warrior’s mailing list.: http://eepurl.com/SYbI9
Specific Financial Needs:
- $120/month for Bible Tract ads.
- 2020 Server Costs – $1449
- 2020 Internet Costs – $840
Please consider a donation. FamilyNet is a 501 (C)(3) charity. Donations are tax deductible in the US – You can donate via PayPal (Donate button is on https://cyber-missions.org) or mail a check:
FamilyNet International Inc
P.O. Box 451951
Garland, TX 75045
(214) 257-0229
In Jesus’ Service,
Bob and Maureen