“When you go on the internet, please pray for the Hoffman Family – your missionaries to Cyberspace.”
Volume 32 Issue 3 (May-June/2019)
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
The Latest News:
- Bob had prostate surgery on April 15. There is an ongoing problem with a tear in the bladder. He will have an xray on 06/05/19 – please pray the tear is healed! This complication has his movements severely limited, and is interfering with sleep.

Church Website Ministry:
I was approached by a Pastor friend Bob Haynes (Grace Baptist Church in Iowa Park Texas and Second Chances Baptist Church in Vernon Texas) about setting up a “Pastors Collectibles” website for him to handle his online flea market. I told brother Bob I would be honored to help him out, as he uses this to help support his church planting ministry. Pastor Haynes chose a domain of “pastorscollectibles.com.” I registered the domain and set up a WordPress website for him. I was able to find a simple, yet robust point of sale app for WordPress that was easy for Brother Haynes to set up and maintain. There are some interesting items up there for sale! Pastor Haynes also sets up garage sales and estate sales for people in the area.
Bible Correspondence Courses:
Here are some comments we received from people that are taking the correspondence courses:
- We have a prisoner in IL that has adopted us! He calls us by name or by Mom and Dad! He began lessons with us in June of 2011 and completed all of our courses in January of 2017. He continues to write to us about what he is studying or asking for a certain Bible verse to be printed in color to put on his wall. We recently ordered a new course and are sending them to students that have finished all of the other courses. He has finished the new course and added a lengthy letter with Bible verses on love and his thoughts. It ended with: I have been watching the news lately and some shooting happen in a church killing a lot of Christians and thinking about that is the reason why I wrote to you about love and that God is love. In prison the only place you find love is in the Bible and that love that God have for us. It is a hard place to be and love is not a popular thing here. I personally lack love sometimes even though I know I got to be loving. Well, Bob and Maureen this would be it for now. There goes your Bible lesson. If you got more lessons send it my way. May God Himself and Jesus Christ His Son be with you all. Respectfully Carlos.
- From a Prisoner in Alabama – I noticed that I had not taken advantage of your courses. That being said, could you please sign me up and send me the first study or studies so I can complete them and return them to receive even more. I am very zealous in my learning about our Lord. As always: God bless you all for what you do for us who are temporarily detained.
Tract Ministry: As of May 2019 have “given out” over 100,000 Bible Tracts online!
Support: We are currently at 70% of support for our ministry expenses.
Prayer Needs:
⦁ Would you consider praying for us when special needs arise? If so, please subscribe to our prayer warrior’s mailing list.: http://eepurl.com/SYbI9.
Specific Financial Needs:
⦁ Server Costs for 2019 = $700
⦁ Security Costs for 2019 = $300
Please consider a donation. FamilyNet is a 501 (C)(3) charity. Donations are tax deductible in the US – You can donate via PayPal (Donate button is on https://cyber-missions.com) or mail a check:
FamilyNet International Inc
P.O. Box 451951
Garland, TX 75045
(214) 257-0229
In Jesus’ Service,
Bob and Maureen
Phil 2:4