“When you see the DOG go to GOD in prayer for the Hoffman Family – missionaries to Cyberspace.”
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!The Latest News: My secular job at Greyhound continues to work me to death. Very little time off, and I am very tired when I do get any time off. May all come to a head in February, please continue to keep us in prayer. Maureen is recovering from hand surgery.
Church Website Ministry:.I received an email from a webmaster whose site we link to on our website familynet-international.org. This website is a family oriented search engine, which has evolved (pardon that reference) to heavily supporting resources for home schooling. My response follows Sarah’s email and her request to unlink from her website. I refuse to let Google dictate the content on ANY of the websites I run… but this is something you should beware of if you have a website (secular or ministry).
Back in 2005 we set up a website for Faith Baptist Church in Aransas PassTexas. They had been creating their own website content and uploading it. I was contacted yesterday by one of the members that was maintaining their website to move their website over to WordPress. They now have their new website up on WordPress. We provide free website hosting for Independent Baptist Ministries.
Received a call from the people maintaining the Bethel Baptist Church (La Plata Maryland) website (http://bbcmd.org). She wanted to make some changes, but they were going to require some coding changes in the Website Baker Templates. I converted their website over to WordPress and she can now update the website much easier.
Bible Correspondence Courses: We want to thank Katherine Feguer, John & Lydia Henrici, J.L. & Florence Smith for helping on the Bible Correspondence courses over the last quarter.
Third Quarter Stats: We mailed out 682 lessons and 34 certificates to 113 active students (29 international and 6 incarcerated). We had active students in 9 countries: Cameroon, India, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, Zimbabwe and USA. We had 1 salvation decision, a 16 year old boy from Nigeria.
Here are some comments we received from people that are taking the correspondence courses:
From a student in Mississippi…I enjoy the course. It provides a part of my devotion routine.
From a student in Malawi… My Parents in Christ, May the Lord richly bless you for standing with me to learn these wonderful secrets of His Kingdom. It is my prayer that the Lord should meet all your needs according to His riches in heaven.
From a student in Malawi… Dear Parents in Christ (Hoffman Family) Let me accept that you are feeding me with the best spiritual meals. I am not the same, the lessons have taken me to another level (height). I really appreciate for all the support your family is giving me. May the almighty who knows how to reward good works meet all your needs according to his riches in Heaven. Your son in Christ…
From a student in California… I learned (and now believe) the earth & our planet was not created by chance, because everything on earth works together too perfectly.
Tract Ministry: We have “given out” over 69,000 Bible Tracts online.
We received the following from our online “The New Birth” Bible Tract. https://new-birth.us/. Good Wednesday morning: I have decided to re dedicate my life to Jesus Christ.
Social Networking Outreach:I get new requests on my evangelistic Facebook account regularly. I now have 2580 “friends” in my evangelistic Facebook account. This is a valuable tool to reach the unsaved masses. Support: We are currently at 67% of support for our ministry expenses. 100% of money donated to us goes to support the ministry – we use NO money for personal expenses.
Prayer Needs: The Lord’s will regarding secular work, the medical benefits needs have been met. Help in raising support for the ministry. Please keep us in prayer for our personal financial needs in addition to the ministry’s financial needs. Would you consider praying for us when special needs arise? If so, please subscribe to our prayer warrior’s mailing list. :http://eepurl.com/SYbI9. I would like to be back in the full time ministry by November of 2015. Please pray for us to be able to obtain a self propelled RV by that time, as well as the Lord’s will on going full time.
Specific Financial Needs: Our server needs have been met for the year! Praise God!
Please consider a donation. FamilyNet is a 501 (C)(3) charity. Donations are tax deductible in the US – You can donate via PayPal (Donate button is on http://www.cyber-missions.com) or mail a check:
FamilyNet International Inc
P.O. Box 451951
Garland, TX 75045
“When you go on the internet, please pray for the Hoffman Family – your missionaries to Cyberspace.” Volume 31 Issue 1 (February/2018) Greetings in […]
“When you go on the internet, please pray for the Hoffman Family – your missionaries to Cyberspace.” Volume 37 Issue 1 (January/February/2024) Greetings in the […]
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