Yesterday morning my monitoring software reported many of the sites we host were down. "Server name or address could not be resolved." We are on Verizon FIOS and I was using the Verizon DNS servers by default on the monitoring machine. I have had problems in the past with the FIOS router somehow causing this problem, so I reset the router (to no avail). I then found that if I went in and changed the namservers on each of the failed domains they would come up. Unfortunately I do not monitor all of the 440+ domains, only the websites we officially host and some other sites of interest. I changed my DNS Server to the Comodo DNS servers ( and and all the issues disappeared. I figured that the Verizon DNS servers would refresh and everything would be working again. WRONG. Fast forward to this afternoon. I got a call from Pastor McConkey of Grace Baptist Church in Joppa Maryland. (We talked yesterday about him not being able to get mail on his phone, but he wanted to check out things first). He was able to get his mail on his laptop (Cricket Communications) but not on his phone (Verizon). After much troubleshooting it was determined that problem was in the Verizon DNS servers. I reset the nameserver on his domain and his mail started working.If you have Verizon, I would recommend you consider using one of the Open DNS Servers. The Comodo servers seem to be fast and work well. Changes I have made are updated quickly. I am now in the process of adding all domains to the monitoring software. This could take a couple of days
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