Over the last few weeks, I have been fighting issues caused by the hosting we provide free to Independent Baptist Ministries.
Right before Christmas one of our hosting accounts was actually suspended by our hosting provided because of content (relax it was not objectionable – just volume) of one of our hosting accounts. The account was not released until I could find and remove all the sermons that were buried in directories all over the website (fortunately I had them all backed up). I still have not been able to get a phone call from the pastor of the church to let him know of the problem or the solution I have come up with almost two weeks later!
I was able to set up my own FTP server with two TB of redundant disk space to handle sermons (only about 5 of the 100 or so ministries we host have any sermons at all, and of them, only 3 are of any size that I need to be concerned about.
About the same time I was getting this issue resolved another hosted account crashed the task manager that was making backups and doing software installations on another one of my shared servers. This is another ministry I have not been able to re-establish contact with for about a year. They are doing some exotic stuff with WordPress and all of a sudden, something on their website ended up crashing the task manager of CPanel. I was able to isolate them on their own server. I actually have three ministries right now that I have to keep isolated because I am afraid they will have negative impact on other ministries.
It is frustrating, providing services at no charge, when I try to stay in communication, if for no other reason to make sure that everything is going well and the ministry is still operating. When I have to take some sort of action to protect other ministries, and I am not able to get a Pastor to call me back – I have to admit it gets frustrating.
The FTP server is stable, and everything has settled down now. Still dealing with the ongoing security issues and hacking attempts, but Lord willing everything will stay calm.
Welcome to 2018!