I received an email that Evangelist Russell Kidman wanted to move his last website over to our Website Baker Templates. I set up (evangelistrussellkidman.com) on the templates – it is rfeady for him to update. We are now hosting all three of his websites.
I spent this morning on the phone with Brother Lewis Smith of Calvary Baptist Church in Sterling Kansas. This is a rescued domain, that they took back almost a year ago (calvarybaptistofsterling.com). Pastors have changed and brother Lewis wants to update the web page (which had been neglected for a while). I walked him through the templates and he will be updating the website as time permits.
I received a call from a gentleman that set up a new website for Mount Sinai Baptist Church in Pickens, South Carolina. I had rescued their website (mtsinaibaptistchurchpickens.com) several years ago. The domain he has now is not appearing in Google, a previous website pointing to the rescued website is number one, and the rescued website is number two. I gave the user (Mike) a demo on the templates and told him I would set up the templates on the rescued website (in progress as I am typing this) so he could try it out. He liked what he saw, we may walk through a full tutorial tomorrow if he has time.
As I get ready to go back to work, I am getting a lot of things coming up. Please pray I can keep up with these things as the holidays it, work will probably be very busy through the end of the year.I would really like to get a newsletter out before I get back to work!