This past week on Facebook, I noticed a request from Dr. HL Champion, requesting prayer. He has had problems with his website, was trying to get it back up, and is looking to relaunch the website in May.
I offered to help him if I could, and Dr. Champion took me up on my offer to help. had been down for over a week. I was able to locate a problem with their DNS entries and had the website backup in about 30 minutes. I had several subsequent discussions with Dr. Champion and found myself volunteering (I guess I have not learned anything from the Navy) to be part of his team. I am currently handling security on and helping with development with the May relaunch of (even though I keep telling Dr. Champion I am NOT a web developer)!
I will be helping with the project as time permits. I am impressed with the vision and goals of Dr. HL Champion and pray the relaunch will bring glory and honor to the Lord, as well as salvation to the unsaved, and edification and education to believers around the world.
An interesting side-note – Dr. Champion has owned a domain almost as long as I have. I registered out first domain back in February 1995 ( Dr. Champion registered back in May 1995 some three months after that. You can read his story here. Turned out we have a lot in common besides our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!