“When you see the DOG go to GOD in prayer for the Hoffman Family – missionaries to Cyberspace.” Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! The Latest News: My job at Greyhound has gone none stop through the present. The extra work has […]
Monthly Archives: February 2011
Greyhound has been driving me ragged – so I have not been able to update this blog as often as I would like. I am working with Faith Baptist Church Of Atascadero (http://www.centralcoastfaithbaptist.com) to turn their rescued domain over to them and to allow them to publish using their MAC […]
We received the following email: God and Jesus are my friends now. I feel so calm and clean as I turned a new page in my life. I am born again. Amy We are offering followup via our Bible Correspondence Courses.