Maureen and I "early voted" yesterday. We are praying for revival, and praying for our country. 2Ch 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will […]
Yearly Archives: 2010
[What is the most important thing you learned from this lesson?] How to get to heaven! and need Jesus in my life! I can honestly say I have been going the wrong way in life, but after careful study of this lesson, I have repented and accepted Jesus as my […]
I was updating our power point presentation today (needed to – as it was dated) and thought I would share the results. There are 2 Billion "reachable" people on the Internet 536.6 Million of these people speak english as their first language There is more than 400% growth in internet usage […]
I have been catching up on the mundane since I have been furloughed. One of the neglected tasks has been to check the 6000+ links in the Baptist Ministries Database ( This database is probably the single most accurate database of every ministry link that claims to be "Independent Baptist" […]
I received an email from Dr. Kidman yesterday. He was referred to us by Missionary Bob Strachan (Scotland) to see if we could host two additional websites for his evangelistic web presence ( so he could diversify his websites. We set up his first new website on the Website Baker Templates today – […]
The statistics page at has been updated – correspondence courses jumped last quarter.
Set up Wintergreen Missionary Baptist Church with the templates on Rescued a domain today for a church in Maryland.
I put up an unofficial website for Wintergreen Missionary Baptist Church ( back in May of 2009. I received a call from the new pastor earlier this year, who wanted to correct some information on the website, and get some information. He did not want an "official" site because they did […]
I have been off a week now – been using the opportunity to catch up on the ministry work. Have done considerable updating to the Independent Baptist database ( There are many churches that have simply released domains and registered new domains to put up a website. I am trying to […]
Maureen and I attended Grace Baptist Church in Gun Barrel City Texas this morning. We visited the church back in January and put up an official website for them back in January 2010 ( Missionary Mark Bailey was preaching this morning. Mark is full time with "Helping Hand Ministries," a […]