I have been back at work as a Greyhound driver. The last few days have been insane (although things are slowing down after the Thanksgiving Day rush). I got to bed yesterday morning around 5 AM after a round trip to Abilene Texas. Around 11 Am I was awakened to […]
Monthly Archives: November 2010
I know that without Jesus, we are nothing and can do nothing. And if Jesus would not have sacrificed His life and shed His innocent blood, our sins would not be forgiven, as we would be under law, not grace. That was a great thing God did for us, For […]
I spent most of the afternoon yesterday working on the computer of one of our church members. She said her computer was real slow and causing unexpected responses when she tried to do things like reading email. I had some unused memory chips, and upgraded her computer's RAM from 256 […]
I received an email that Evangelist Russell Kidman wanted to move his last website over to our Website Baker Templates. I set up (evangelistrussellkidman.com) on the templates – it is rfeady for him to update. We are now hosting all three of his websites. I spent this morning on the […]
A Ministry of Vision Baptist Church in Rochester Hills, Michigan I continued working with Dr. Russell Kidman on setting up his Bible College website. This website is also set up on the Website Baker templates. He had some problems sleeping last night and got a large portion of the website (correspondencebiblecollege4u.org) […]
We are still showing over 800 Bible Tracts per month. This is down a bit, not sure why – it actually went up last month. We have "handed out" over 42,000 Bible Tracts online since we started counting. This includes Bible tracts in Spanish and Chinese (Spanish tracts are running about […]
I've spent the last day and a half working on our newsgroup software (crashed for the second time in two weeks). I have a workable solution up now. I am almost to the point where nntp (network news transfer protocol) is so outdated that I will stop supporting it. But… […]