I have moved the website of Bible Believers Baptist Church in the Philippines (http://www.bbbckjv.com) over to our new templates. They were on the old templates that were subject to advertising at some point.
Yearly Archives: 2009
How to find an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church We have a deaf friend over helping us with the Bible Correspondence Courses today. She is looking for a church with a deaf ministry. Using our Independent Baptist Database at baptist-ministries.org I searched for all Texas Churches within the "Deaf" category. 16 […]
I have been maintaining the website for Toolkit Ministries over the last several years, They were up on a basic website created with Front Page. I moved them over to the templates a couple of months ago. With the new templates, I decided to move them over (with Dr. Nancy Shield's […]
I got three missionary websites up on the new templates. They look pretty good. These websites have been set up waiting for the missionaries to find time to update them. Since none of them have worked on their websites and I have not done any training, it was an opportune […]
I would like to wish you all a very Blessed Christmas holiday on behalf of the Hoffman family! Our mailing list program stopped working – I spent a bunch of hours yesterday trying to figure out what was wrong, and so far about three hours this morning setting up a […]
I found some free templates (GPL Licensed) that will fit the ministry’s need. I think as time permits I will be able to modify them (especially since most of them are open source) to make them customized for ministry use. They are fine as they are – there are 20-30 […]
I was contacted by Pastor Sutton of Bethel Baptist Church in La Plata Maryland (http://www.bbcmd.org) on Saturday. Their website had started showing Google advertising. I rebuilt their site using Front Page. I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 churches using the templates – ads are not on their sites (now). […]
The three computers we had for Dennis and Rose Pyles (http://www.pylesfilesphilippines.com) went out today. The gentleman that weighed the box said it weighed 102 Lbs! I can't believe I lifted it by myself!. The cost to ship it to the Philippines was only $140 (we were told it would be […]
I received a 20 lesson discipleship course from Marion Baptist Church (in Marion Texas). The course is not copyrighted and Pastor Osborne has given me permission to put it online. I am going start getting the course up this week on our Moodle website (http://www.familynet-international.com). The course will be open to […]
I received an email from Josh Norton, a missionary to the Czech Republic yesterday. He said "My brother-in-law sent me your information as a contact for setting up a website for our mission here in the Czech Republic." He suggested a couple of possibilities for domain names he would like. […]