“When you go on the internet, please pray for the Hoffman Family – your missionaries to Cyberspace.”
Volume 37 Issue 3 (May/June/2024)
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
The Latest News:
- Bob presented the ministry at Fort Victory Baptist Church, Crowley Texas in June.
- Server migration is going (slowly).
- Some software we were using for the ministry websites was discontinued. Bob is working on converting over to a new software platform. This is a huge amount of work.
Church Website Ministry:
- Put up a website (garrettbc.com) for Garrett Baptist Church in Garrett Texas. (Read full story)
Bible Correspondence Courses:
We want to thank Joyce Hall, Oleta Ferrell, Lorraine Meier, JL & Florence Smith for helping with the Bible Correspondence courses over the last quarter.
Here are some comments we received from people that are taking the correspondence courses:
- A prisoner in Texas writes “I pray all is well with you. I thank you for all that you do for us prisoners.”
- From a student in Nigeria who has many ministries of his own. We partner with him as he takes children’s Bible lessons into the public schools. “Calvary greetings in His name. I hope you had a fruitful Easter celebration. Find attached my answer exam booklets for Mark & Galatians for grading. I really enjoyed the study. Thanks.” We thank you, Bro. Gideon Katmut, for your ministry!
- An 84 year old student in South Carolina writes: Thanks for this lesson about the Tabernacle, how it was made and all of its meaning. I now know more about it and thanks again.
Tract Ministry:
- We have had over 205,000 individuals read our Bible Tracts online.
- Through our ad campaigns we are offering over 1 million tracts to unique individuals per month in 7 languages worldwide..
- Our ads have reached over 35 million people since we started advertising in February 2020.
- A resident of South Africa responding to a tract in Afrikaans: BK in South Africa – Amen!! Ek glo, Jesus, ek glo! Ek erken en bely dat ek ‘n sondaar is; ek erken dat U aan die kruis gesterf het ook vir MY sonde! Ek neem U aan as my Saligmaker en Verlosser Heer. reinig my en was my skoon. Translation: BK in South Africa – Amen!! I believe, Jesus, I believe! I admit and confess that I am a sinner; I confess that You died on the cross for MY sin too! I accept You as my Savior and Savior Lord. cleanse me and wash me clean.
Social Networking Outreach:
Support: We are currently at 67% of support for our ministry expenses.
Prayer Needs:
- Please pray we can get websites migrated with no problems.
- Pray that the advertised Bible tracts would get into the hands of those that need them.
- Maureen is scheduled for cataract surgery in July.
- Would you consider praying for us when special needs arise? If so, please subscribe to our prayer warrior’s mailing list.: http://eepurl.com/SYbI9.
Specific Financial Needs:
- Hosting Costs for 2024 – $500
- Bible Tract ads (We reach 1 Million people for $100/month).
- Internet Costs for 2024 – $300
Please consider a donation. FamilyNet is a 501 (C)(3) charity. Donations are tax deductible in the US – You can donate via tithe.ly (Give button is on this website) or mail a check:
FamilyNet International Inc
P.O. Box 451951
Garland, TX 75045
(214) 257-0229
In Jesus’ Service,
Bob and Maureen
Phil 1:3