When we send Bible Correspondence Courses overseas we send them in bulk when we can to a person that will distribute them to save money on postage. Here is an email chain between us and a person in Africa that requested bulk courses. The names of the people and even the country have been kept private to make sure no further repercussions happen.
We have received your requests for Bible lessons to be sent for four Enrollees
We would like to send lessons to all in one package.
Can I mail all lessons to one person?
I hope all of the courses/lessons have been registered with a student number so that I can just pass them each to individual student to complete the lessons and answers those questions. Then I suppose they sent it back to you for marking. They should be getting a certificate when they finish?
Please note that the courses you send was too large a packet and has been confiscated by the Islamic religious center here. It is still best to send lessons to individual. I will send a separate request for the lessons after I have updated the addresses.
Please pray for us and this ministry, and keep in mind that the Islamic movement is not about freedom, but control and conquest…. please pray for Christian living in countries where Islam is strong.