From a prisoner in West Virginia…
Dear Sirs,
I just completed lesson 5 in my studies on John. I am very grateful for your course of study. I am not sure how to express how these lessons are helping me or how I am applying their truth to my life. I will do my best though. I enjoy your studies, as they give me a point of anchor, and a focus for studying the word of God. In the hyper negative environment I find myself living in, this is truly a blessing. I am encouraged when studying, I recognize truths past studies have rooted in my mind. I study to come into a deeper more intimate knowledge of Gods Word, and his will for my life. As I grow in my knowledge of Gods word, I can better answer the questions, and witness to the seekers who come to me, looking for answers from God. All who see me reading, and studying daily, see in me the light of the gospel, Gods love. My daily conduct, also speaks of where my heart is, and where my priorities lie. Your studies help keep me rooted and grounded in the truth. They also help me to deepen my knowledge of Gods word, and of his love for all mankind. Thank you for providing these studies for me. May God bless you all and hold you all close in his loving arms forever. Your brother in Christ…