Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
The Latest News:
We had the opportunity to set up our display at the Global Impact Celebration at Lavon Drive Baptist Church in Garland Texas (our home church).
Visited Marion Baptist Church (a supporting church) in Marion Texas for the church’s 38th anniversary (and Bob’s 36th anniversary of receiving Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour). We got to set up our display and present the ministry to the church. (Full Story)
Church Website Ministry:
Set up WordPress website ( for Bible Believers Baptist Church in Richardson Texas (house church). (Full Story)
One of the aspects of our ministry is what you could call "domain returns." I haven't really talked about this in the past, but this is an integral part of our ministry. I returned a domain we "rescued" back in 2006! (Full Story)
Assisted a Pastor in updating and upgrading website we host, and helped resolve an access issue (Full Story)
Set up WordPress website ( and an email account for the family of Pastor Don Weeks. It is an honor to help support his family’s ongoing ministry presenting the Gospel to the people of Bolivia! We have a long history with his family (Full Story)
Converted over English ( and Ukrainian ( language websites to WordPress for Revival Baptist Church in Ukraine. (Full Story)
Contacted John Joseph, a Missionary in Papua New Guinea to upgrade his website ( to WordPress. He had some kind words.Upgraded website to WordPress (Full Story)
Bible Correspondence Courses: We want to thank Katherine Feguer, Lydia Henrici, J.L. & Florence Smith for helping on the Bible Correspondence courses over the last quarter.
First Quarter Stats: Praise the Lord, we had 3 salvations, sent out 810 lessons and issued 18 certificates to 124 students (6 are incarcerated and 56 were international). We had students in Australia, Canada, Ethiopia, Nigeria and Tanzania and USA.
Here are some comments we received from people that are taking the correspondence courses:
From a 15 year old in Nigeria – I have learned a lot in this book but the most important thing is to believe that Jesus died for my sins and he rose again on third day and is setted on the right hand side of God.
We sent a student in Malawi the Crosswalk course Christian Marriage and Family… I just want to say Greetings to you wonderful people. I also want to report that the marriage book you sent me is a wonderful one. I am slowly reading it to get whatever the writer want us to learn. Just to let you know that last Saturday we went to see one of our fellow church Director who has a newly born baby. As a Director of Administration I was given time to give piece of advice to our fellow Director and his family. I tell you all my advice came from that book, you really have to buy yours and enjoy what is inside it. Thank you very much for giving such a wonderful book. I hope you are all fine.
From a prisoner in W. VA. Question was: What is the most important thing you have learned in this course? His answer: To pick out one thing would not do justice to the course. I found many gems of truth in Jesus throughout the lessons. I am more at peace with myself and more in tune with God's will for my life, for doing them.
Comment from a student in NC…
I think what blesses my heart the most in this lesson is the fact that as a Christian God doesn't see me as of what I deserve nor of what I am now as a child of God, but praise be to God He only sees me in the righteousness of His Son Jesus Christ.
Tract Ministry: We have "given out" over 77,000 Bible Tracts online.
Social Networking Outreach:I get new requests on my evangelistic Facebook account regularly. I now have 2700 "friends" in my evangelistic Facebook account. This is a valuable tool to reach the unsaved for Jesus.
Support: We are currently at 67% of support for our ministry expenses. Please pray for us to be able to obtain a self propelled RV so we can go out and present the ministry to try and raise additional support. God is still providing for all our ministry needs at this time through love offerings.
Prayer Needs:Would you consider praying for us when special needs arise? If so, please subscribe to our prayer warrior's mailing list. :Click Here
Health Needs: We have numerous health problems
Maureen's foot is finally getting better, but now she is going to have to go in and get a heart monitor to wear for a month to diagnose an irregular heartbeat.
Bob is suffering from the effects of working 24 x 7 shifts at Greyhound
Ongoing sinus and continuing allergy problems
The latest appears to be a losing battle with some angry fire ants (not serious -just a nuisance)
Financial Needs: We are being hit by all sorts of expenses, which by themselves are not major but together are adding up since we have gone back into full time ministry.
We had back to back "20 year" hail storms. We thank our sending church Harvester Baptist Church in Columbia Maryland for picking up the deductible on the new roof and assorted repairs.
Your prayers are greatly coveted and appreciated.
Specific Financial Needs:
Our budgeted postage costs for the year were covered by a generous donation at the end of the year.
We do not have money to start visiting churches, and traveling to raise support, or to expand the ministry
Please consider a donation. FamilyNet is a 501 (C)(3) charity. Donations are tax deductible in the US – You can donate via PayPal (Donate button is on or mail a check:
FamilyNet International Inc
P.O. Box 451951
Garland, TX 75045
(214) 257-0229
“When you go on the internet, please pray for the Hoffman Family – your missionaries to Cyberspace.” Volume 36 Issue 6 (November/December/2023) Greetings in the […]
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