Global Impact Celebration
There was a fellowship dinner last night after which the church members had a chance to meet the missionaries and visit their displays. Our display was up and we had the opportunity to present our ministry to church members that knew of us, but not what we are doing in the ministry.
Dr. Doug Ripley, of Decatur Baptist Church in Decatur Alabama preached the service emphasizing the need for people to go to the mission field. As I listened to the preaching I felt led to emphasize that anybody on Facebook, or having a website is already on the mission field. We are told to "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature" in Mark 16:15. There are 3.3 billion people on the internet today. The opportunity to reach people has never been greater or easier. Does YOUR presence on the internet bring glory and honor to Jesus Christ? The unsaved are watching us….