From a Prisoner in Nebraska

We had a prisoner from Nebraska who had his lessons returned to us about a year ago. Some of the prisons tried a new system where you sent the mail to another address and the mail was copied and the copies were sent to the prison. That has stopped in many of the prisons. I periodically go through and see if a faithful student has not responded. I resent lessons to this prisoner and they were accepted at the prison. He wrote us a note: Dear FamilyNet, It is a blessing for me that you did not give up on me. I did not want to stop my lessons or never thought of quitting. I was so sad that my prison put a stop to my lessons and studying the Word of God. I did write you letters but it looks like they never left the prison. I do want to continue with these lessons. I learn so much about our Heavenly Father and what He has done for us. I love studying the Word of God. It gives me peace, joy, happiness. I am so grateful to be one of your students and that you did not give up on me though the prison put a stop to all Bible lessons. I hope and pray they got everything straight and now will continue to let our lessons in here. Thank you again. I pray for you that the Lord will continue to give you strength. I pray that you will continue to not give up on the students. Father, I pray for everyone at FamilyNet and their families. Keep them all safe and healthy, protect them all from the evil one. God bless each and every one of you. Can’t wait to hear from you again. Thank you, God bless you all. This has been a blessing to have my lessons back.

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