A prisoner in AR writes: Dear Mama Maureen and Papa Bob, Greeting, salutations and lots of love and joy from me to you thanks to the great blessings and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ and all that he allows to happen. I wanted to answer your questions (I asked if he was able to receive the Bible crossword puzzles etc. that I include with his lessons). Before I do I need to reiterate what an AWESOME, COOL, WONDERFUL BLESSING you are and have been in my life. I truly, truly, truly think I may have done some bad things or maybe even given up completely if not for you coming into my life when you did. GOD WAS DEFINETLY AT WORK. You made me feel worthy and lovable during a time when I was feeling abandoned and unworthy. I will never say enough how much LOVE and GRATITUDE I have in my heart for you. You are my family and mentors and blessing from God, all the good things and positive people in my life have come thru or somehow because of you. WOW. I love you. Thank you again. Send my love to all. Until next time just know I’m doing good. In Jesus name…
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