I received a request to update information in the Baptist ministries database (Baptist-ministries.org) for Canaan Baptist Church in Monroe North Carolina. The church had changed locations and they were taking the time to update the database.
We had an “unofficial” website up for them. The church had no web page, and no “official” Facebook page, so I asked if they would like a website. We traded some emails and they decided to go ahead and have me put up a website for them. The gentleman I was corresponding with was an Evangelist from Canaan Baptist Church (Adam Craddock).
I offered some potential domain names for the church and Brother Adam decided that canaanmonroe.com would be a good domain name for Canaan Baptist Church in Monroe NC.
I registered the domain for the church this morning, and installed a basic WordPress Website for them. The church has a brochure on order and will provide information from the brochure to me for content for the website when he can provide it.