The Ministry of Bob and Maureen Hoffman
Volume 11, Issue 2 2nd Quarter 1998
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
The first quarter of 1998 has come to a close. It has been filled with challenges as well as good good news. The Harvester Web Page at has been averaging between 40-50 visitors a week. This is as many callers as the BBS use to get. The web page has been averaging 60-70 hits a week. This is pretty good news! Both Web Pages include the Bible Tract “
The first quarter saw the satellite we used to transfer mail, spin out of control.
We had some major computer problems – and lost the internet feed due to a glitch on our servers.
In the Bible Correspondence Courses we sent out 433 Bible lessons, issued 26 certificates, and saw one come to a salvation decision. There are currently 64 active students in the Bible Correspondence Course, including 23 prisoners.
We are posting sermons off, the Sword of the Lord’s home page on the International Bible Conference. This gets many sermons of the greatest preachers of our time out to many people world wide! Some of our listserv (info available from the fmlynet web page) conferences are handling a great deal of messages at this time.
Please pray for us: specifically for support. I also need to find more time, I would like to pursue putting the Bible Correspondence Courses on the World Wide Web… we have the technology, but the time to do all that could be done is very scarce!
Please pray for the ministry and the people that work and use the computers, and access us via the World Wide Web.