From a prisoner in MS… To my wonderful Christian friends at FamilyNet Bible study correspondence school. I am writing to you this day to simply say thank you for all the wonderful Bible study lessons and Bible study courses that you have sent to me this past year. I also […]
Yearly Archives: 2018
From a prisoner in West Virginia… Dear Sirs, I just completed lesson 5 in my studies on John. I am very grateful for your course of study. I am not sure how to express how these lessons are helping me or how I am applying their truth to my life. […]
From a student in Nigeria who founded the Christian Literature Distribution Project and helps coordinate getting our lessons into schools. Calvary greetings in His name hoping all is well with you, family and the Lord’s work. Find enclosed some of the complete courses by our school students. Sorry some of […]
We were contacted by Pastor Paul Jones of Liberty Baptist Church in Eastland Texas around Thanksgiving. He found one of the “unofficial websites” we have up as a “placeholder” page for the Baptist Ministries Database. Liberty Baptist Church in Eastland has a Facebook page and Pastor Jones wanted […]
Letter from student in MD Dear FamilyNet International, I hope in Jesus’ name that all is well with everyone and those in your family. I take not for granted your ministry and the materials you send me to study along with the Word of God. Life is challenging in these […]
I have a new Facebook page for our ministry – all ministry posts will be showing up there going forward. Our personal pages will be just that – personal Facebook pages. This will allow people that want to follow the ministry, but don’t want to see the personal posts to […]
Over the last few weeks, I have been fighting issues caused by the hosting we provide free to Independent Baptist Ministries. Right before Christmas one of our hosting accounts was actually suspended by our hosting provided because of content (relax it was not objectionable – just volume) of one of […]