I want you to know that I really enjoyed this Bible lesson. I really learned a lot. The most important thing I learned from this course was the suffering we have to go through and why. I didn’t know this until now. Thank you for this lesson.
Monthly Archives: December 2013
Greetings from Malawi the warm Heart of Africa. I thank God for connecting us to you people. We are learning great secrets of the Kingdom of God. Each lesson is taking us somewhere and really the writers of these lessons were inspired by the Living spirit of God. My greetings […]
In the process of renewing domains I noticed that the Riverlake Baptist Church domain (riverlakebaptist.org) was pointing to a generic server web page. I called the church and spoke to the pastor. The person handling the webpage has been gone for some time. I put up a generic WordPress website […]
I get new requests on my evangelistic Facebook account regularly. Tonight I was sitting in a hotel in San Antonio, trying to do some work on the computer. I received a friend request from a girl in the Netherlands. I accepted the request, and then minutes later received a request […]
We had technical problems with our old BBS system software and servers. We have been running FamilyNet and the G rated BBS systems for 32 years! The technology is old, the software is outdated, and it was no longer worth the cost in time and upgrades to continue this service. […]
I was contacted by Tim Holtsclaw (THEHOLTSCLAWFAMILY.COM). He is currently using Weebly for their family website, and he wanted to help out this small struggling church (Christian Bible Baptist Church) in Toms River New Jersey. They had to change buildings, and do not have the ability to put up any […]
The hackers are out there attacking our hosted sites again… Trying to harden the sites against further attacks.