I set up a domain and hosting for a missionary from California that is planting a church in Hong Kong today. You can check out www.libertybaptisthk.com and see Pastor Au's progress as he builds a website using our templates. We are here to help if you need any help setting […]
Monthly Archives: January 2009
One sent home, one lost, one up, one down? I was contacted by a church we had rescued a domain for, interested in getting their domain back, I turned it back over to them today (the pastor reimbursed us for the cost of the domain).I know I am getting to sound […]
Maureen's Tests GoodThe lab tests came back and there was no sign the cancer had spread to the surrounding tissue. Coupled with the clean lymph nodes, the outlook is very positive. Once again I thank those of you that have been praying for us during this time.I am working with […]
Maureen has come through the surgery fine. The surgeon tells us that the cancer had not spread to the lymph system. I want to thank all of you that have been praying for us. We will know more when the rest of the test results come back on Thursday or […]
I just got off the phone with the Pastor I mentioned in the previous message. Apparently they had issues with the person that was handling their website. When this person (I did not have the opportunity to discuss in detail) renewed their domains, he renewed them in his own name. […]
A request for helpMaureen and I attended a Sunday School class fellowship dinner on Friday evening (01/02/09). We had the opportunity of meeting missionaries Chuck and Robin Martinez to Guatemala. Chuck is a missionary pilot. I would have liked to talk to Chuck more, I have a Private Pilot's license […]
We just finished at the surgeon’s office in Plano and we were told that Maureen needs to have some surgery, but at this point it seems that barring anything mitigating circumstances, the surgery should be routine. It does appear that she will need radiation therapy after the surgery, We are […]